Editorial 01.24
Where the heart is. This is how an ancient Latin defines home: "Home is where the heart is."
So, in this issue of Bistrôt, we let ourselves be led by what is home and what gives impulse to the heart.
This is why we have chosen to show you the heart behind a project, a passion, a new initiative.
Because there are many hearts.
There is the ‘sacred heart’ of Geneva, which is reborn after a fire and becomes the ‘maison’ of the community.
There is the heart of Gagan from India, which beats for Daniela and makes Ticino home.
There is the heart of young couples, who with the ‘rent to buy’ can give a concrete answer to their dreams of living together.
There is Nilda’s heart, which has given her the passion to emerge in the world of Latin American engineering.
There is Lea’s heart, which continues to beat even when she plunges into icy waters surrounded by winter ice.
There is the heart of Mercedes, who gives an artist’s ‘zoo’ to the walls of the houses in her Alpine village.
There is the heart of Andrea, who believes in a construction world capable of building houses with a social soul.
These are the stories we tell in the next few pages, as always accompanied by a playlist on Spotify, and with the desire to tell you about a world of people, professionals and brilliant minds, who, from the Swiss Alps to the Brazilian metropolis, are guided by passion, by the heart, because without feelings and ideals, without this compass that guides us between emotions and disappointments, between desires and frustrations, every project of ours would just be a ‘task’ to be ticked off.
Autumn is the time of harvest, when the vats are filled, when the wait for fermentation begins, and you can choose: toast with a new wine or go down to the cellar and go back in time, travelling through past vintages and memories?
With Bistrôt, we want to spare you the choice and continue to give you the effervescence of a Beaujolais nouveau without sacrificing the meditative fullness of a Barolo. To offer food for thought but in an informative way, combining the tale of technique with that of emotions.
As if we were at the table of our ‘Bistrôt’, the one in Grono!
Enjoy the reading!