Editorial 02/23
“Without personal transformation no global transformation”
“Without the inner transformation of individuals, the transformation of the world will fail.” This phrase from Nicolas Hulot reminds us not only of personal responsibility in our daily choices (and how much they can have an affect globally, added to those of other billions of human beings) but also that the two must proceed together. They can happen quickly or they can be holistic evolutions; in any case we have to take care of them personally.
That’s why in the Bistrôt edition you are reading, you will find the story of transformational stories.
Since the transformation of land use planning, now that the construction paradigm has changed and building areas in Switzerland have shrunk, Planidea tells us. Qimisola, on the other hand, represents the transformation of an old abandoned estate into a winery with wines consecrated by Winespector. From wine to table, and here in Moesano the concept of menu is transformed giving value to the surprise of seasonality. Lives and territories that are transformed with the story of a mining engineer, traveling from Europe to South America who has found love but is also working to transform one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Instead, every year another engineer transforms a stretch of ice above a lake into a place of sport and celebration for thousands of people. A third engineer, instead, transformed his hidden passion for years, one for the use of colors on canvas, in the way he communicates with the world after a bad turn of fate. Finally, a very young TikToker has been able to pass from the world of dance to a few seconds on the radio and television.
Personal transformations and changes in the surrounding world go hand in hand in the following pages. Get ready for this journey that will take you from Canton Ticino to Argentina, from St. Moritz to Greenland, from the Langhe to the Mesolcina.
Happy reading from the Galli Group!
And remember that to transform the world you need to know how to Live in a place. Create. Live your life.